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Upgrade your free account to a premium plan

Othmane G.
Othmane G.
  • Updated


  • Upgrading a account is easy. A paid account gives you access to premium features for more productivity in your lead-generation efforts and grants you more credits for a broader outreach. 

How to upgrade:

  1. Log into your account. 
  2. Head to the pricing page by selecting the ‘Upgrade’ tab from the topbar for Regular Plans or Mega Plans. 

  1. Switch the toggle at the top of the page to view the monthly and yearly subscription options.

  2. Click on the "Purchase" button at the bottom of your desired plan.

  3. Add your billing details to the checkout page of your plan and click on "Pay".
    Make sure to add the correct billing details on the page (name, address), as they will be appearing on your invoices.
  4. Once the purchase is complete, go back to your dashboard and refresh your page to find your new credits and have access to the premium features.


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